Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sauna Girl

Watercolor painting titled "Sauna Girl," was inspired by our granddaughter Francie, after she had taken a sauna. She wore a fluffy towel on her head and had donned her Aunt Riitta's plush robe which matched her eyes. Her cheeks were like apples.

This is the painting that was accepted into the 2010 Arizona Aqueous Exhibition at the Tubac Center of the Arts in Tubac Arizona, exhibit juried by Harley Brown.

From infancy to adolescence great changes take place in the upper as well as the lower portion of the face. Above, the face lengthens; the nose and cheek bones become more prominent. The teeth add width and depth at the lower part of the face. Jaw bones become more angular and pointed, the masseter muscles are more in evidence, and a squareness of the chin is noticeable. ~ George B. Bridgman 

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