Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Woman in Scarf

Woman in Scarf | Sketch
Welcome, friends and fellow artists. It's nice to back back — posting on my [this] blog. The image above is the result of my exploring various media on Strathmore sketch paper. I decided it's time to get back into and move out of my comfort zone.

Back into because I like drawing and painting people more than any other subject. Out of because I'm moving away from tools and materials that have become second nature to me and trying others

Woman in Scarf was inspired by a photo (ad) in Vogue Magazine. I pulled out the 18" x 24" sketch pad, picked up a pencil and did a light line drawing [of what I saw]. I traded my pencil for a round brush and painted light to mid-light blue lines — lost and found, thick and thin. I applied a loose, wet wash of Cadmium Yellow Light and hit the wash with Cad Red Light and light green (barely mixed on my palette). I applied wax crayon here and there, then added a little more color.

I appraised it for a day.

As I walked into my studio the following morning, I thought: charcoal. I haven't used charcoal for a long time. Simply feeling it in my hand released a sense of adventure. Using charcoal, I added more line, tone, texture. After that, I picked up a lovely pink crayon and added a little "warm" here and there.

Now I'm on to the next exploration and can't wait to see what happens.

Some may have noticed I took a (rather lengthy) hiatus from posting images on this blog. I explored other options such as creating a Facebook Artist Page (which worked well for awhile); I added a blog component on my website (I didn't use it much). I didn't stop drawing and painting; I just stopped posting. But I'm back.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

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