Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Collage a day keeps comfort at bay

Every so often, I like to bump myself out of my comfort zone. This week, my aim is to do one collage (small) each day.

"She" (above) does not yet have a title. It would be fun to hear from blog followers and art lovers.

My beginning and process: On Sunday, I dug out old, failed paintings, which I covered with coats of white gesso (acrylic), then set to dry. My studio floor was covered with gesso-coated paper and boards (yes, I have plenty of non-successful paintings; this was a mere toe dip into the mass).

Yesterday morning, I sorted through other failed paintings and drawings, tore and cut them into pieces, and sorted by value. After I tied on my painting apron, I found a photo of a face that intrigued me, drew a design plan and set to work, placing and gluing papers.

This morning, I placed one more piece of paper on her cheek, and took her photo.

Here she is: my first collage.

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