Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Girl, Steps 1 and 2

Color sketch of The Girl

Step 1: I drew a head shape, penciled in eye sockets, tip of nose, and line of mouth. I wet the paper (student grade, purchased for my grandchildren) and dropped in a wash of pale yellow, red, blue, and tipped my paper, adding water to encourage flow and melding of color. After this dried, I wet areas in shadow (light coming from our left, top) and dropped in yellow, then red, then blue.

Step 2: After the shadow shapes dried, I wet the hair area, dropped in yellow, red, blue – letting and helping colors run together. I scraped highlights with my painting knife. Student grade paper does not hold a scrape very well; the area filled in with damp paint. But I like the linear effect. I darkened the eye shapes and mouth, dampened the background and ran in red and blue to create purple.

Next, I will draw and paint The Girl on Arches 140 lb. cold press. My aim will be to paint an entirely new painting.

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